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What is HZS75 concrete batching plant

Writer:Admin   Time:17/07/05

     What is HZS75 concrete batching plant,how does the wrk of HZS75 concrete batching plant? HZS75 concrete batching plant also called concrete batch plant,concrete mixing plant,concrete mixing station.

    HZS75 concrete batching plant investment funds less, take the venue is small, less use of equipment, equipment maintenance is easy, can be equipped with the performance of the independent control room, the batching plant equipment easy to operate safe and efficient production of high quality concrete.
    HZS75 concrete batching plant is deviced with ingredients, mixing, electrical control system and other parts of the automatic concrete mixing equipment, with a separate manual control, automatic compensation gap, sand and water content compensation, can automatically complete the scheduled tank production , The theoretical productivity of 75 cubic meters every hour, discharge height of 3.8 meters, storage hopper volume of 8 cubic meters * 3 warehouse or 4 warehouse, supporting the host is JS1500 forced double horizontal shaft concrete mixer.